​​Continent - Asia

Area - 44,579,000 square kilometers
No. of countries - 48 (according to the United Nations)

​​ Ocean - Pacific

Surface area - 165,250,000 square kilometers
Average depth - 4,280 m

​​River - Amazon

Length - 6,500 km
Tributaries - More than 1,100
Birth place - Peru

​​Country - Russia

Capital - Moscow
President - Vladimir Putin
Currency - Russian Ruble.

​​Democracy - India

Population - 141.72 crores (2023)
Voters - 96.8 crore (2024)
President - Droupadi Murmu

Hot Desert - Sahara

Length - 4,800 km
Width - 1,800 km
Type - Subtropical

Island - Greenland

Capital - Nuuk
Prime Minister - Múte Bourup Egede

Animal - Antarctic Blue Whale

Weight - up to 200 tons
Length - up to 30 meters
Life span: Up to 90 years

Land Animal - African Bush Elephant

Scientific name: Loxodonta africana
Weight: 5.2 to 6.9 tons
Height: 3.04 to 3.36 metres
Life span: Up to 70 years

Largest Wall - Great Wall of China

Built in - From the 3rd century BC to the 17th century AD
Length - 21,196.18 km
Designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in - 1987

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